Episode #82: This is Our Divine Feminine Moment with Kenlyn Kolleen

Jumpstart Your Soul


Unlock Your Divine Blueprint

INTUITIVE 1:1 Soul Activation sessionS

Private and Personalized 1:1 Soul Activation Sessions are for those who are truly ready for immediate soul-led transformation. Availability for these sessions opens on a limited basis.


These activation sessions are 90 minutes in length, focused on intuitive and energetic work, while activating your soul’s Divine blueprint on a cellular level through the Gene Keys & Quantum Human Design frameworks.


Gene Keys & Human Design are cutting edge living technologies that synthesize ancient wisdom and modern science to unveil YOUR unique soul essence on a cellular level.


Our personalities are temporary based on conditioning and programming, while our soul is eternal–this is a time (now more than ever) where beings all over the world are feeling the impulse to come home to themselves.


Our time together is consciously and intentionally curated to support you in embodying your highest timeline and fullest expression of yourself.


My intuitive approach within this container allows those seeking to connect to their soul’s remembrance with the ability to drop deeply into the body, so that the codes of these living systems can integrate deep within the coils of your DNA.

In THESE PERSONALIZED sessions, I help you return to YOUR eternal nature, SO THAT YOU CAN BEGIN TO activate your highest potentiality.

Together we open circle to invite in our multi-dimensional support, and leverage practices to drop us into our body and heart to clear emotional density, energetic blocks, and conditional programming. These activations are designed to raise your frequency, unlock clarity in your mind’s eye, and ignite your soul’s eternal flame!


During our sacred time together, I use movement, breath, sound, frequencies, meditation, light language, channeling, and intuitive guidance to allow us to drop in together and receive your unique insights. The sessions are Divinely guided and very comprehensive, so clients are left feeling empowered, grounded, and expansive.

Inspiration for What's Possible for You

Frequently asked questions

Gene Keys & Human Design are cutting edge living technologies that synthesize ancient wisdom and modern science to unveil YOUR unique soul essence on a cellular level.


Our personalities are temporary based on conditioning and programming, while our soul is eternal–this is a time (now more than ever) where beings all over the world are feeling the impulse to come home to themselves.

Yes! These technologies entered my life in a miraculous way and immediately felt like ecstatic truth within my body. I knew in my core that it was not the first incarnation that I have worked with these technologies, and that I was meant to bring this Universal knowledge to the world on a mass level.


I began to continue to follow the bread crumbs of the Universe and became Quantum Human Design certified in 2020 through Karen Curry Parker’s Quantum Alignment System.

Our soul blueprints are full of countless codes and Universal insights, and what I have discovered is that the mind often begins to try to quickly make sense of the information. I have witnessed others become exhausted and overwhelmed when they first discover these technologies, while trying to use their mind to integrate what they received.


My approach allows those seeking to connect to their soul’s remembrance, to drop into the body and allow these codes to integrate on a cellular level through the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind.


I use movement, breath, sound, music, meditation, and channeling to allow us to drop in and receive your unique medicine in each session. The sessions are co-created, intuitive, and comprehensive. Clients are typically left feeling empowered, grounded, and expansive.

These sessions are for anyone who truly desires a sacred homecoming and a gentle, yet effective way to begin to return back to your authentic self. Clarity and aligned action often comes through in the form of purpose, life’s work, health, all forms of relationship, and prosperity.

  • 90 minute activation session with Lindsay via Zoom
  • Intuitive reading of the Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile and/or Human Design Energetic Blueprint 
  • Movements, practices, transmissions, and carefully curated frequencies selected specifically for you to activate this wisdom within your body on the deepest of levels
  • Email summary and recording following the session with key downloads and intuitive guidance received pre, during, and post session for integration.

Every one is at different stages of their soul journey, commits to the practices, and integrates at their own pace. Many begin to notice quantum shifts only days after the first session.

Client Kristy S. shared after our first session that she ‘has never felt so safe in a container EVER’. Marina B. said ‘I felt incredible shifts only 3 days after our session. I am amazed at the insights I have already gained!’

I am committed to your transformation as you follow the gentle whispers of your soul.


All sessions are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

“All of life is either sourced from the act of Love or a cry out for Love.”

— Lindsay Marten Ellis

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