Episode #82: This is Our Divine Feminine Moment with Kenlyn Kolleen

Don’t Make This New Year’s Mistake: Try THIS Instead!

New Year’s blessings to you!

This is your friendly reminder that our bodies sync with the rhythm of the cosmos… We do not truly step into the Spring newness until March 20th, which is marked by the equinox and the zodiac moving back into aligned-action Aries.

Fun fact… Did you know that the 365 day January to December Gregorian calendar was made up by Pope Gregory in 1582?

So if you’re still feeling in your winter like I am, I invite you to honor this season of the void. Sometimes rushing into new creation can set us back even further because we are resisting the natural pulse of life.

That being said, I am spending time much of this week continuing to reflect, wrap up loose ends, and celebrate all of my ways of being that allowed me to cause and create my desires in 2022.

Here is my little celebration list so far… I hope it inspires you to create an honoring ritual that resonates for yourself as well.

In January of 2022, I executed my first private mentorship contract of the year, with 3 more to follow. I was in the middle of grieving the loss of my second mother figure, Joy, and I got to experience what it felt like to be in the resonance of grief and coherence at the same time. I began to fully realize the importance of FEELING it all and allowing the energy to move, while honoring my cycles and seasons. Work became more effortless, and calling in alignment and abundance flowed in with ease.

In the Spring, I continued to expand my offerings. I launched my group mentorship container for 2022, I began to show up more publicly, and I added more support tools on my website and social media platforms. Life began to feel simpler because I stopped compartmentalizing myself as I showed up authentically as my full self in all areas of my life.

In April, during the first eclipses of 2022 I traveled on a soul pilgrimage trip to Egypt. There were many subtle and also powerful activations there, including being held by the Divine Feminine Nile and Mother Isis in her temple at Philae. The final remnants of my fear of being in my authentic truth and power was cleared and alchemized into my being on this trip. It took many months of integration upon return and I stepped into another micro-season of winter for myself.

The week that I returned from Egypt my hubby said goodbye to corporate to pursue his dream of stepping into full time entrepreneurship as a premium trim carpenter! He was immediately a profitable business owner and has continued to build a solid reputation of quality, reliability, and care. Not to mention, his quality of life is through the roof because he loves creating tangible mastery with his hands.

In May 2022, my nephew bundle of joy, Preston, turned ONE years old. I love seeing the world through his eyes of wonder and play. He brings me back to joy and presence every time I am with him. He is truly the greatest gift!

In July 2022 I visited North Carolina for Joy’s celebration of life. There was much closure for me and many mystical moments. I got to hike to water falls and swim in pristine lakes with not another person in sight. The solitude in nature was the perfect medicine for my healing.

On the Lion’s Gate portal of 8-8-22, I launched my podcast Soulshine Radio! I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew that this was the next step for me to step into my dharma as sharer of Universal Wisdom. My podcast continues to have a perfect 5 star rating with thousands of downloads, and I continue to receive DMs, emails, and texts at how much the podcast is supporting people. Recording is truly my favorite part of my week and I am currently calling in full time podcasting into my life (if it’s in my destiny) hehe.

I spent much of the fall of 2022 writing my book and in another micro-winter. My computer broke and was shipped off at Apple for nearly 2 months. My website crashed. My full time assistant quit. All of these shifts happened back to back. It was clear the Universe was asking for more inward time and to slow down. I cleared many things on my calendar and continued to go within. Now that I am on the other side, I now see that a course correction was needed, and I am so grateful to be back on track with my dharma!

On 11-12-22, I celebrated 5 years of marriage with my Beloved partner in ALL thangs, Chad. I have never met a more patient human that has held space for me on my spiritual path. He is the epitome of patience and non-judgement. Truly. If you only knew what goes on behind closed doors in my world ;).

On 12-1-22, I became a best-selling published author, with my anthology ‘Turning Point: Empowering Stories to Awaken the Divine Feminine within’. This was the first time I publicly shared stories and aspects of myself that my own hubby and immediate family did not know about me. It was so liberating to know that my healing continues to inspire those lives that I touch, near and far.

The last week of 2022, I wrapped up my year long group mentorship program… Where a total 17 women over the course of the year, from Hawaii to the Netherlands to South Africa, were supported on a journey of embodied transformation. These women forever changed me. Their courage… Their holy yes… Their devotion to their evolution… They taught me so much.

That’s a wrap, love!

So, what are YOU celebrating?! I’d love for you to comment and let me know! Allow yourself to be witnessed.

PS Don’t forget to celebrate before rushing onto what is next! The cosmic winter and the fertile void is a necessary aspect of all creation that often gets missed. THIS is how we begin to flow with the pulse of the Universe.


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Hello glorious one, I’m Lindsay, embodied intuitive, transformation guide, and spiritual mentor.

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